Mounting evidence demonstrates that various forms of fasting may be beneficial as a complementary treatment against cancer. Fasting makes cancer cells more vulnerable to the body's immune response and the effects of relying on alternate fuel sources. This series of clips describes evidence demonstrating the effects of prolonged fasting, the fasting-mimicking diet, and time-restricted eating – an extended overnight fast – against cancer.
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Mounting evidence demonstrates that various forms of fasting may be beneficial as a complementary treatment against cancer. Fasting makes cancer cells more vulnerable to the body's immune response and the effects of relying on alternate fuel sources. This series of clips describes evidence demonstrating the effects of prolonged fasting, the fasting-mimicking diet, and time-restricted eating – an extended overnight fast – against cancer.
As for this last point in particular, but also all conversations surrounding severe life-altering diagnosis like cancer, these clips are not meant to serve as a substitute for medical advice. These Aliquot segments feature Dr. Ruth Patterson, an expert in cancer epidemiology; Dr. Valter Longo, an expert in aging science; Dr. Satchin Panda, an expert in circadian rhythm research; and Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, an expert in ketosis.
Insulin, estrogen, and inflammatory biomarkers can be reduced with lifestyle changes (Ruth Patterson discussion)
Eating your meals according to your circadian rhythm optimizes metabolism
Fasting for at least 13 hours per night reduces breast cancer reoccurrence by 40 precent
Fasting during chemotherapy protect patients from DNA damage (Valter Longo discussion)
Prolonged fasting or a fasting-mimicking diet put stress on cancer cells
Shift work increases cancer risk (Satchin Panda discussion)
Time-restricted feeding fits with our circadian biology
Ketones damage cancer cells, but some cancers love it (Valter Longo discussion)
Obtaining the benefits of ketosis via supplementation of ketones without a low-carb diet (Dominic D’Agostino discussion)
Mechanism by which fasting causes an unfavorable environment for cancer cells (Valter Longo discussion)
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