Living long, healthy lives isn't just about luck; it's about putting in the effort and staying committed. There's plenty of scientific evidence out there that guides us on the path to longevity and well-being, but it takes real dedication to follow through. In this Aliquot, we'll talk with Drs. Martin Gibala, Bill Harris, and Peter Attia about three proven ways to promote health and longevity: boosting cardiorespiratory fitness, ensuring you're getting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, and maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.
Aliquot episodes make great companion listening for a long drive. You can find these special members-only episodes alongside live recorded Q&As on The Aliquot, our official premium FoundMyFitness podcast.
Living long, healthy lives isn't just about luck; it's about putting in the effort and staying committed. There's plenty of scientific evidence out there that guides us on the path to longevity and well-being, but it takes real dedication to follow through. In this Aliquot, we'll talk with Drs. Martin Gibala, Bill Harris, and Peter Attia about three proven ways to promote health and longevity: boosting cardiorespiratory fitness, ensuring you're getting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, and maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.
Why cardiorespiratory fitness is essential for everyone
Best practices for measuring cardiorespiratory fitness
The difference in training volumes for athletes vs. general health
How to find the ideal training mix for endurance
How committed exercisers can achieve high VO2 max levels
Techniques and benefits of estimating VO2 max
How to tell if your omega-3 intake is adequate
Accurately measuring omega-3 levels
Reasons omega-3 levels vary despite similar intakes
Is there an upper limit to omega-3 intake?
Comparing omega-3 levels between Americans and Japanese
Linking omega-3 levels with reduced all-cause mortality
Are low omega-3 levels as risky as smoking?
Omega-3s' role in resolving inflammation
How Bill Harris achieves high Omega-3 Index levels
Can omega-3 levels predict Alzheimer's disease risk?
The most important thing to boost insulin sensitivity
How sleep disruptions affect glucose regulation
Restoring glucose control after sleep disruption with exercise
What are ideal blood glucose levels after meals?
Are exercise-induced glucose spikes harmful?
Listen in on our regularly curated interview segments called "Aliquots" released every week on our premium podcast The Aliquot. Aliquots come in two flavors: features and mashups.
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