Aerobic exercise and resistance training are essential for optimal health. However, finding the time to do both can be challenging, raising a compelling question: Can resistance training be aerobic?
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Aerobic exercise and resistance training are essential for optimal health. However, finding the time to do both can be challenging, raising a compelling question: Can resistance training be aerobic?
In this Aliquot, Drs. Martin Gibala, Brad Schoenfeld, and Mark Mattson share their thoughts on the importance of resistance training and how its aerobic qualities boost cardiovascular health while optimizing your workout's time efficiency. On the flip side, Dr. Benjamin Levine argues for the importance of including endurance and resistance training for optimal cardiovascular benefits. I provide concluding thoughts and perspectives.
Balancing strength and stamina with functional training
Mastering supersets and drop sets to save time
Weight training for runners – is it necessary?
Differentiating endurance and strength adaptations in the heart
How high can blood pressure spike during strength training?
Which athletes have the biggest hearts?
Why even strength athletes should endurance train
How the body controls heart rate in strength vs. endurance exercises
What sports cardiologist Dr. Levine thinks about CrossFit training
How Rhonda balances resistance and aerobic training
Training to enhance heart, brain, bone, and muscle health at any age
Listen in on our regularly curated interview segments called "Aliquots" released every week on our premium podcast The Aliquot. Aliquots come in two flavors: features and mashups.
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