In this first episode of the Aliquot podcast, Rhonda discusses topics such as her pre-pregnancy diet, exercise, and sleep; which supplements she included and avoided during pregnancy; the benefits of omega-3s and risk from mercury-containing fish; and nutrition for infants and toddlers that may positively influence brain development. She also discusses the benefits of breastfeeding for the brain and immune development in infants and toddlers and the health of mothers. This info-packed episode utilizes clips from Q&A sessions from the past few years, curated for our members.
Aliquot episodes make great companion listening for a long drive. You can find these special members-only episodes alongside live recorded Q&As on The Aliquot, our official premium FoundMyFitness podcast.
In this first episode of the Aliquot podcast, Rhonda discusses topics such as her pre-pregnancy diet, exercise, and sleep; which supplements she included and avoided during pregnancy; the benefits of omega-3s and risk from mercury-containing fish; and nutrition for infants and toddlers that may positively influence brain development. She also discusses the benefits of breastfeeding for the brain and immune development in infants and toddlers and the health of mothers. This info-packed episode utilizes clips from Q&A sessions from the past few years, curated for our members.
Common deficiencies in infants and toddlers and how Rhonda optimizes her son’s diet
Low omega-3 fatty acid intake in toddlers
Low iron intake in toddlers
Vitamin D supplementation in toddlers
Low magnesium intake in toddlers
Low potassium intake in toddlers
Low fiber intake in toddlers
Omega-3 supplementation in children
Omega-3 fatty acid and behavior and learning in school aged children
Omega-3 fatty acid rich food improved asthma symptoms and inflammation
Omega-3 fatty acid prolongs onset of schizophrenia in adolescents
Higher levels of omega-3 fatty acid in children’s blood was associated with decreased DNA damage
Fish intake during pregnancy
Effect of dietary phospholipid DHA on the brain
Extra precautions Rhonda took during pregnancy
Caffeine consumption during pregnancy
Rhonda's vaccinations during pregnancy
Acetaminophen during pregnancy
Rhonda’s supplementation routine during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Breastfeeding duration and impacts on mother's and child's health
Human milk oligosaccharides and associations with immunity
Stem cells within breast milk
DHA supplementation during breastfeeding
Vitamin D supplementation during breastfeeding
Caffeine consumption during breastfeeding
Newborn care
Introducing new foods to infants and thoughts on allergies
Omega-3 fatty acids and heavy metals during pregnancy
Rhonda's diet and exercise routine during pregnancy
More about Rhonda's diet and supplementation during pregnancy
Brain health and intelligence, the importance of choline and omega-3 fatty acids
Vegetables, folate and diet diversity
Vitamin D during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Diet during lactation, extra calories, iodine for brain growth and development
Vitamin B12 supplementation, especially for vegetarians
Iron importance for brain health in infants
Salmon roe, babies and the potential for an allergic reaction
Vitamin K and exclusive breastfeeding
Caffeine during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Nutrition and vitamins for baby and toddler to maximize brain development and growth
Every other week premium members receive a special edition newsletter that summarizes all of the latest healthspan research.
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