These live recorded Q&A episodes make great companion listening for a long drive. You can find these Q&A episodes alongside great interview aliquots and other special members-only episodes on The Aliquot, our official premium FoundMyFitness podcast.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick answers audience questions on various health, nutrition, and science topics in this Q&A session.
Cell phone/bluetooth usage and risk of brain cancers. 1
Epigenetic aging and metformin and DHEA. 1
Discussion of the process by which immune cells, specifically T-cells, are generated in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus.
Discussion of reviews on the role of aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. 1
Is it possible to supplement NAD+ for health promoting metabolic pathways without feeding it into cancer? 1)
Pros vs cons of hormone therapy for menopause. 1
The rising concern of running out of effective antibiotics in a world of rising bacterial resistance.
Extra olive virgin oil keeps healthy properties when used for cooking. 1
Supplements in kids.
What photobiomodulation is and what some of the literature shows. 1
My thoughts on Joov.
Preventing viral respiratory infections.
Taking vitamin D once a day vs throughout the day.
Taking vitamin K2 with vitamin D.
The effects of sulforaphane on influenza virus in people. 1
N-acetylcysteine improves oxidative stress and inflammatory response in patients with community acquired pneumonia. 1
Oral supplementation with liposomal glutathione elevates body stores of glutathione and markers of immune function. 1
Men who used the sauna two to three times weekly were 27 per cent less likely to develop pneumonia than those who used the sauna once weekly or not at all. Men who used the sauna four to seven times weekly were 41 percent less likely to develop pneumonia compared to infrequent or non-users. 1
The effect of humidity on immune function. 1
Mold growth in saunas.
Extra time in the sauna can compensate for sub-optimal temperatures.
My thoughts on intravenous vitamin C.
Does consumption of animal protein increase risk of type 2 diabetes?
Every month, Rhonda hosts a live chat with FoundMyFitness Premium Members.
Don't miss the next one.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses microdosing nicotine, GlyNac benefits, intermittent fasting and hair loss, and cold & flu relief.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses GLP-1 agonists, alpha-lipoic acid, ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol, calcium needs, and liquid biopsy cancer screening.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses _Akkermansia muciniphila_, vitamin B1's effect on blood sugar, emulsifiers in food, and electrolyte supplements.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses silicone safety, grounding, pentadecanoic acid, and the potential benefits of olive leaf extract and peptides.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses her supplement stack, avoiding microplastics, creatine for brain health, and mRNA vaccine autoimmunity risks.