This episode will make a great companion for a long drive.
A blueprint for choosing the right fish oil supplement — filled with specific recommendations, guidelines for interpreting testing data, and dosage protocols.
The vitamin and mineral content of breastmilk varies according to a mother's diet and tissue stores, but some nutrients are low in breastmilk regardless of maternal status. Vitamin K, in particular, is crucial for blood clotting and must be provided to newborns to prevent hemorrhaging. In this clip, Dr. Rhonda Patrick describes the importance of vitamin K for newborn infants.
Breast milk also contains vitamins and minerals, but these vary based on a mother's diet and tissue stores. If the mother is undernourished or eats an unhealthy diet, her breast milk may be inadequate to supply sufficient quantities of essential micronutrients to her infant and supplementation for the mom, infant, or both may be necessary. However, some nutrients are low in breast milk regardless of the mom's diet. For example, vitamin K-1, which is essential for normal blood clotting, is very low in breast milk.
Consequently, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all newborn infants receive an injection of vitamin K-1 to prevent hemorrhaging shortly after birth.
Vitamins and minerals that are required by organisms throughout life in small quantities to orchestrate a range of physiological functions. The term micronutrients encompasses vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids.
A type of fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K is critical for blood clotting, bone metabolism, prevention of blood vessel mineralization, and regulation of various cellular functions. Naturally occurring forms of vitamin K include phylloquinone (vitamin K1) and a family of molecules called menaquinones (vitamin K2). Vitamin K1 is synthesized by plants and is the major form in the diet. Vitamin K2 molecules are synthesized by the gut microbiota and found in fermented foods and some animal products (especially liver). The body has limited vitamin K storage capacity, so the body recycles it in a vitamin K redox cycle and reuses it multiple times.
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