Comments by dan
  1. 1

    This would be more relevant with reference ranges, @Andreas92 :)

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      However, there’s, unfortunately, an animal study that suggest that visceral fat may ultimately become resistant here

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          It’s a pity there is no video of the two of them interacting as was the case in previous videos. Is that because the source is Clubhouse?

          1. 1

            Correct! It was sort of an experiment. For the most part, our intention is to continue to stay true to the format.

          1. 1

            @kutner44: This has been discussed on the podcast before! See a clip talking about this with the senior author here.

            1. 1

              Rhonda, Can you recommend any books on time-restricted feeding/the circadian rhythm?

              1. 1

                Dr. Satchin Panda, featured prominently in this clip, has a book out on that very subject called “The Circadian Code.” Look it up at any major book retailer.

              1. 1

                Quick heads up, the hyperlink to “Dan’s Plan” ( is broken.

                Here’s a link to their tweet for change of their URL:

                Peace, out

                1. 1

                  Will update. Thanks!

                1. 1

                  Is this a joke? I thought this site was a tool to help take good care of your body and mind., Promoting an Abortion Pill sends the opposite message.

                  1. 1

                    It was a spammer. We’ve banned them.

                  1. 1

                    This has nothing to do with Rhonda’s work and is the opposite of longevity. Why is this here?

                    1. 1

                      Just some creep doing some spamming, unfortunately.

                      1. 1

                        Agree. Most of their post are just solicitations.

                      1. 1

                        Very interesting podcast, as usual. Thank you! I’m curious about how long the hyperthermia sessions were in the experiments. How long does it generally take in a sauna or hot bath to reach 38.5 C and how long should one stay at that temp? Is it reasonable to use an oral thermometer to check yourself?

                        1. 1

                          Ted, I was asking myself the same thing about the oral thermometer. Who knows if it would be reliable enough! Great question though.

                          Having read the more recent paper on WBH from Dr. Raison’s group, it looks like the time it took each person to reach 38.5 C varied from person to person.

                          Here’s the relevant section…

                          Time to attainment of this core body temperature varied from patient to patient but required a mean (SD) length of 107 (19.4) minutes (range, 81-140 minutes). When core body temperature reached 38.5°C, the infrared lights and heating coils were turned off, and participants remained recumbent in the Heckel device and entered a 60-minute cool-down phase.

                        1. 1

                          Hells Yeah this is awesome. Tim Ferriss has also stated that he takes Astaxanthin for its ability to act as sun screen. I would rather take Astaxanthin than put on sunscreen myself :D

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                          1. 1

                            Rhonda, unless the hyperlink to the book gets highlighted it is barely visible on the website. Just thought you would like to know.

                            1. 1

                              It’s fixed now. Thanks for pointing that out.

                            1. 1

                              After reading up on nicotinamide riboside and pterostilbene, I’m not sure if pterostilbene replaces resveratrol entirely or should be taken in addition too? is it one or the other or are there benefits to taking both? This would be along with pterostilbene.

                              1. 1

                                Since they’re both stilbenoids, it’s probably a little bit redundant to take both.

                              1. 1

                                Does anyone know the source of the diagram at 43:40 in the video, the diagram that shows fasting and ketogenic diet signaling pathways to decrease aging? It is a great overview and really puts different eating programs into into context.

                                1. 1

                                  Gary, it was created just for this episode. We’ll post it as an extra resource on this page as part of the notes soon.

                                1. 1

                                  This was a very good podcast. Also, here’s a quick note to say us AncestryDNA users are looking forward to support on FMF Genetics! Any news on that front?

                                  1. 1

                                    We’re making great headway on this and expect it to be ready soon. Weeks, not months!

                                    1. 1

                                      Awesome – glad to hear it. Thanks for your efforts.

                                  1. 1

                                    Could someone please let me know if vitamins and/or probiotics start this cycle? I’m assuming they do if coffee and tea should be consumed within your 8-12 hour window, but I’d appreciate confirmation :)

                                    1. 1

                                      As a rule, anything non-water has to be metabolized and that means you’re “restarting the clock” within some tissues like the liver.

                                      That said, using the strictest definition is not necessarily required to reap benefits. In episode 2 with Dr. Panda, he actually points at that coffee was not excluded in the time-restricted eating trial conducted by Dr. Ruth Patterson’s group (the one that showed a 36% reduction in breast cancer recurrence). See 01:09:52 of the round 2 episode to hear discussion about that. It’s clear that, at least in this case, there were still benefits.

                                      To learn more about Dr. Patterson’s trial you should also check out the episode with her below:

                                      Also, for more of these “practical implementation” tidbits, I suggest searching the round 2 episode’s TIMELINE for “practical implementation”. Lots of great stuff there!

                                      I think the general take home is this: you can probably take your vitamins and probiotics without completely undermining yourself, but it’s more in line with the general philosophy of time-restricted eating (and its special emphasis on the circadian oscillations going on in our tissues) if you include them as part of your eating window.

                                      1. 1

                                        Thank you Dan! That’s super helpful—I haven’t seen the practical implementation video yet. I’ll be sure to check it out.

                                    1. 1

                                      Greetings! Would you have the link to the Finnish study that was referenced regarding suana use and decreased alzheimers incidence? Thank you!

                                      1. 2

                                        @Zachswain: Sort of mirroring the thoughts of others here. The main thing that jumps out at me is that you only mention carbs in your last meal. Your last meal should, if anything, be a little bit higher in the macros that help more with satiety: namely, protein & fat. Fiber is also good for satiety, but in general a high carb meal as your last meal has two downsides:

                                        • You’ll have less satiety to carry you through the night.
                                        • You’ll have less insulin sensitivity as well as activity once melatonin starts kicking in 2-3 hours before bed (this is an effect partly mediated by melatonin receptors on the pancreas, which signal the pancreas to reduce insulin production). This can result in high resting blood sugar if you eat too close to bedtime… especially for carb rich meals.
                                        1. 1

                                          wow, thats good info. does melatonin start shutting the insulin process down in the presence of low light? or just based off of circadian rhythm 2-3 hours before your usual bed time? because i know melatonin starts ramping up in the absence of light, right? also, what would you consider an ok amount of carbs at dinner for a male 160lbs 5'11 to consume? just so i can have a number to work fiber/fat/protein around?

                                          1. 1

                                            This whole melatonin angle is actually one of the topics covered in an upcoming FoundMyFitness podcast with Dr. Satchin Panda.

                                            Giving you fine-grained recommendations for your macros is sort of a little beyond the level of detail I personally operate at (sorry), but I’ll share a paper on the melatonin pancreatic production of insulin link.

                                            1. 1

                                              What kind of fats are best for the last meal of the day? From the last interview with dr panda i gathered saturated fats are better handled earlier in the day. Im having a bit of trouble staying asleep still and might need to just stop tre altogether at least for now because im not doing it right. I started eating most of my calories/ fat at breakfast because it was stated in the podcast that fat eaten in the first meal is stored as energy. This did seem to help with satiety during the night as im not hungry when i wake up but for some reason i wake up once and am up for 20 minutes or so it seems then a couple hours before alarm time i am in and out of sleep. Not asking for diet advice but any information would be helpful

                                              1. 2

                                                nothing to be sorry about man. you guys have helped me a lot. not only in this comment section but foundmyfitness as a whole. i slept deeper than ive slept in a little while the last two nights. that alone means a lot to me. not to mention the mental/physical improvements ive made to myself since listening to the podcast. i could write a lot about my gratitude for the research done. thanks for letting this thread air out also. i realize this is more of a news section and not a forum but i needed help

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                                              Not cool, @ericseancoach!