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Keeping our hearts strong and healthy becomes increasingly challenging as we age, especially for older women. However, physical activity, especially resistance training, may benefit the heart. A recent study found that a 24-week resistance training program improved heart function in older women.

Researchers assigned 73 physically independent older women (average age, 68) to either an exercise training or sedentary group. The training group participated in a supervised resistance training program three times weekly for 24 weeks, using machines and free weights. Each session included exercises targeting the whole body, with three sets of eight to 12 repetitions each. The researchers measured the participants' cardiac function before and after the program.

They found that women in the training group experienced several improvements in heart function, including: - A 10.6% decrease in left ventricular volume versus a 1.1% increase in the sedentary group. - A 9.1% decrease in left atrial volume versus a 3.9% increase in the sedentary group. - Better heart relaxation, indicated by a 4.8% reduction in the diastolic function index.

These findings suggest that regular resistance training improves heart structure and function in older women, potentially reducing the risk of age-related cardiac decline. Finding the time for resistance training can be difficult, however. Listen as Drs. Brad Schoenfeld and Stuart Phillips describe time-efficient ways to incorporate resistance training into a busy schedule.

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