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Melamine cleaning sponges are composed of hard, plastic strands assembled into a soft, lightweight foam. Commonly known as “magic erasers,” they are immensely popular due to their highly abrasive qualities. A recent study found that the global microplastic burden from melamine cleaning sponges may exceed 4.9 trillion particles, based on current sales.

Researchers assessed microplastic release from melamine cleaning sponges under different scrubbing conditions, focusing on the shape, makeup, and number of fibers created. Then they quantified annual accumulation based on typical melamine sponge sales from two popular online retailers.

They found that melamine sponges released straight and branched microplastic fibers made of poly(melamine-formaldehyde) polymer, ranging from 10 to 405 micrometers long. These fibers formed as the sponge’s structure broke down due to friction; consequently, the rougher the surface and denser the sponge, the more fibers produced. They estimated that sponge wear could release up to 6.5 million fibers per gram of sponge, potentially contributing up to 4.9 trillion fibers to aquatic environments globally.

These findings suggest that melamine cleaning sponges are major contributors to the global microplastic burden. Human exposure to microplastics occurs through ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact. Evidence indicates that these particles accumulate in various body fluids and tissues and may increase the risk for metabolic dysfunction, neurotoxicity, and some cancers.

Coming soon: A comprehensive overview article about microplastics and their putative effects on human health.

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