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Pregnancy transforms nearly every aspect of a woman’s body, but research indicates it also affects the brain. A recent study found that massive brain alterations occur during pregnancy, making it a critical neural adaptation period.

Researchers conducted an in-depth brain imaging analysis of a healthy 38-year-old woman who became pregnant for the first time. She underwent 26 brain scans, starting three weeks before conception and continuing for two years postpartum. They measured the woman’s hormone levels throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period.

They found widespread reductions in gray matter volume and cortical thickness, which became more pronounced as the pregnancy progressed. These changes were particularly evident in brain areas related to memory and emotional processing, including the hippocampus and parts of the cortex. In contrast, white matter integrity improved, suggesting enhanced communication between different brain regions as gestational weeks advanced.

These findings suggest that pregnancy is a dynamic period of brain remodeling, driven by rising hormone levels and possibly preparing the brain for motherhood. Learn how to optimize your health before, during, and after pregnancy in this Aliquot featuring Dr. Rhonda Patrick.

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