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Resistance training remodels muscle fibers and connective tissues, driving muscle mass and strength gains. This phenomenon has led to the plausible theory that enhancing collagen synthesis could boost functional strength. However, recent research suggests otherwise. A study found that collagen supplementation was no more effective than a placebo at promoting muscle fiber and connective tissue synthesis.

In this small study, 25 young men performed strenuous resistance exercise training for one week. About half of the men took 15 grams of hydrolyzed collagen peptides twice daily during the intervention, while the other half took a placebo. Researchers measured their muscle fiber and connective tissue protein synthesis daily.

They found that connective protein synthesis was 48% higher than muscle fiber synthesis following resistance training. Although plasma levels of collagen peptides increased among participants taking the supplemental collagen, supplementation did not increase muscle fiber or connective tissue synthesis more than the placebo. Learn more about the disappointing results of this particular role for collagen supplementation in the episode featuring Dr. Luc van Loon.

The good news is that collagen supplementation may have benefits beyond this specific role. Collagens are major structural proteins in many body tissues, including tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin, blood vessels, muscles, gut tissue, and dentin. They are the most abundant proteins in the body, making up about 30 percent of the total protein mass. Hydrolyzed collagen, also known as collagen peptides or hydrolysate, is made by breaking down collagen into smaller amino acid chains (called peptides) using heat or enzymes. Read more about hydrolyzed collagen in our overview article.

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