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Exercise can profoundly affect your brain, boosting memory and enhancing cognitive performance. But imagine if your daily exercise routine could boost your grandchildren’s brainpower. A recent study in mice found that cognitive benefits from physical activity can be passed down to future generations, even if they don’t exercise.

Researchers compared the cognitive performance of male mice whose grandfathers exercised regularly with those whose grandfathers were sedentary. They also analyzed genetic markers related to brain function in both groups.

Mice with active grandfathers had better memory recall, particularly in tasks requiring spatial (recalling locations) and non-spatial (recalling facts and events) memory. Although their cognitive abilities improved, these mice didn’t experience the new brain cell growth observed in the exercising grandfathers. Additionally, the researchers identified 35 microRNA molecules related to brain function, with two associated with poorer cognitive performance.

microRNAs are small molecules that regulate gene activity by determining which proteins are produced in cells. They play a key role in many biological functions, including development, disease progression, and how cells respond to changes in their environment.

These findings suggest that the cognitive benefits of exercise can be passed down to future generations. Check out the Cognitive Enhancement Blueprint—a members' only perk—to learn more about the effects of exercise on brain health and function.

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